July 28, 2019

(M)Eagerly searching for Privacy – Chapter One: Email

As a Medical Doctor becoming software developer, I’ve spent years working on a system to protect the medical data professionals keep in their devices because I […]
July 25, 2019

Who is Who in Privacy, Chapter 7: Marta Peirano

Marta is an expert journalist in technology, networks and cryptology, an inspirer of the CryptoParty Berlin Handbook, director of the culture section of ElDiario.es, co-creator of […]
July 25, 2019

Who is Who in Privacy, Chapter 6: Alex Pentland

Alex «Sandy» Pentland is one of the most renowned scientists in Computer Science, he helped create the MIT Media Lab (it is worth following the link […]
July 25, 2019

Who is Who in Privacy, Chapter 5: Giovanni Butarelli

Giovanni Butarelli is the European Data Protection Supervisor, the body in charge of Data Protection in the European Union. He ends his five-year term at the […]
July 25, 2019

Who is Who Chapter 2: Mar España Martí

Mar España Martí is the Director of the Spanish Data Protection Agency since July 2015. She is appointed for 5 years, and her position is independent […]
March 12, 2019

Tim Berners-Lee and The New Internet Contract

The World Wide Web Foundation has presented, on the second anniversary of the creation of the Internet, as a new Internet Contract, a kind of social […]
February 24, 2019

Health Strategies by Amazon

We have openly proposed at DocToDoctor project that if we do not take care of our patient’s data there will be others who will get for […]
February 12, 2019

Ethical Standars of Medical Photography

February 11, 2019

Patient Autonomy and Contractual Capacity

The Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Dignity of the Human Being with regard to the Application of Biology and Medicine: Convention on Human […]
February 3, 2019

Artificial Inteligence and Physician’s Role

European Union is pushing research & implementation of several projects on Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Health is one of the main obvious fields to work on. […]
February 3, 2019

Quick Guide 2 – Overview Screen

February 3, 2019

Quick Guide 1 – Main Screen